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core value

基督为首:在所有的决定与事工中,我们都要高举主耶稣基督,并荣耀他。 (徒 4:12,腓 2:9-11,西 1:15-18)

God is our leader: The one and the only one clear objective for all services and decisions in the fellowship is exalted and glorified our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ac 4:12,Php 2:9-11,Col 1:15-18)


忠于圣经:圣经是基督徒生活的最高准则。我们要以圣经作改变生命的教导。(提后 3:16,申 6:6-9,申 17:19)

Loyal to the Bible: Christians should live and follow the highstandard teaching from the Bible. The changes of our lives are based on the teaching of the Bible. (2Ti 3:16,Dt 6:6-9,Dt 17:19)


顺服圣灵:我们要顺从圣灵的引导,过合神心意的生活与事奉。教会所有 事工的构想,规划以及执行,都仰赖圣灵的带领。 (加 5:16-18,罗 8:2-9,弗 4:30-32)

Obedience to the Holy Spirit: We will live in submission and guidance from our Lord, under the guidance of His Holy Spirit. All the programs, planning and executive level decisions in the Fellowship will rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:16-18,Ro 8:2-9,Eph 4:30-32)

相爱合一:我们要切实彼此相爱,建立教会,并竭力保守主里的合一。 (弗 4:1-6,约 17:21-23,腓 2:1-5) Unify in Love: We will love one another, establish the church and protect our unity in the Lord.(Eph 4:1-6,Jn 17:21-23,Php 2:1-5)

灵命长进:我们要结圣灵的果子,并在圣洁,爱心,见证,委身,事奉, 行为与知识上长进。(加 5:22-23,西 1:9-10,弗 4:11-16)

Spiritual Growth: We should bear fruit from the Holy Spirit, with growth in holiness, love, witness, commitment, service, conduct and knowledge.(Gal 5:22-23,Col 1:9-10,Eph 4:11-16)


广传福音:我们要遵行传扬福音的大使命,投入地方福音与远方宣教的工 作。(太 28:19-20,罗 10:14-17,徒 1:8)

Spread the Gospel: We will obey and follow the Great Commission of the gospel. We will spread His Word to every corner of the world. (Mt 28: 19-20,Ro 10:14-17,Ac 1:8)


信仰承传:我们要努力建立基督化的家庭,及青少年与儿童事工,让下一 代得以认识神,并活出基督的生命。 (弗 6:1-4,申 4:9-10,申 6:4-7) Passing on the Faith: We will focus on establishing Christian families and youth and children’s ministries. We will lead the next generation to know the Lord and live out their lives for Jesus Christ. (Eph 6:1-4,Dt 4:9-10,Dt 6:4-7)

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